7.4 Extension of period of registration

7.4.1 A candidate shall submit the thesis to the Research Degrees Team before the expiry of the maximum period of registration. The Research Degree Committee may extend a candidate’s period of registration, for not more than 1 year at a time and for not more than a maximum of 2 years. Supervisors must ensure that applications for extension of registration are submitted before the period of extension and not retrospectively.

7.4.2 A candidate may apply to the Research Degree Committee for an extension to their period of registration. Extensions will be considered for time unavoidably lost through circumstances outside the control of the individual concerned or where a student’s progress has been hindered through extreme pressure of external work for a limited period. Sympathetic consideration will be given to cases where the student has been absent through illness supported by a valid medical certificate.

Research Council funded studentships

7.4.3 Faculties should note that in the case of students in receipt of Research Council funded studentships, the process for being granted an extension of registration may differ from those applied at Oxford Brookes. It is important that the Directors of Studies contact the Research Degrees Team for advice before the student begins the period of suspension as failure to follow their procedures may lead to the funding bodies imposing sanctions on the University as a whole for a substantial period of time.