Preparing Candidates for Practice in the UK

An insightful and stimulating workshop offered virtually and in-person at our Swindon campus.

Who is this workshop for?

The workshop is suitable for:

  • Education providers and trainers’ responsible for preparing international recruited nurses and midwives entering the UK to take the NMC OSCE test of competence.

  • International recruitment leads. 

Book a place


We are pleased to announce we are now delivering workshops for Preparing Candidates for Practice in the UK (formerly Train the Trainer) in-person and virtually and we are looking forward to hearing from you. 

The in-person workshops will take place at Oxford Brookes University, Swindon campus each month. We can also offer bespoke workshops for organisations who would like to have the workshop delivered on their own site.

Following both the in-person and virtual workshops a follow-up virtual session will be arranged to allow attendees of the workshops to discuss any queries, to seek clarification or ask any questions.

The learning outcomes of the workshops are centred around the current Test of Competence OSCE provision only. The workshop will provide instruction to support learners who are seeking competence in common nursing skills and holistic patient care in support of their professional practice. 

The workshops will:

  • build on existing knowledge about the NMC Test of Competence assessment processes and the candidate's assessment journey to help support resilience
  • explore the educational theory of Simulation-Based Education
  • develop successful preparation of an OSCE station using the APIE and the skill marking criteria to create lesson plans to meet your candidate’s needs
  • share top tips
  • develop a list of objective debrief prompts that may be used after an OSCE of a typical nursing skill
  • develop tools to support the trainers. This knowledge must be applied to the Test of Competence OSCE in support of the Future Nurse - Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses (2018).

Available dates and cost

Our virtual and in-person, Preparing Candidates for Practice in the UK workshop dates and times are planned for:

Virtual Workshops

  • Wednesday 7 August 09:30 - 12:30

  • Thursday 19 September 09:30 - 12:30.

Face-to-Face Workshops

  • Wednesday 31 July 2024, 09:30 - 16:00
  • Wednesday 28 August 2024, 09:30 - 16:00.

You would only be required to attend one of these sessions.

The cost of the virtual workshop is £150 per attendee. The cost of the in-person workshop is £450 per attendee.

 If you are interested in the bespoke workshops please contact

Before your workshop

Before your preferred date of attendance, there will be both reading and independent activities to complete in support of the virtual shared learning activities. These materials will be shared with you 2 weeks in advance of the workshop date to permit you to complete them before your attendance and will require approximately 3 hours of independent study, video activity and reading.

These materials will provide some of the relevant theory and information, along with a number of activities which encourage the reader to reflect on their previous experience and the training needs of their teams in their working environments

Also prior to your attendance you are asked to familiarize yourself with the OSCE support materials, particularly if you are new to supporting the role of the International Nurse in support of their OSCE exams. Our ToC2021 downloads include a reading list, marking criteria and mock OSCE. 

If you are new to the Test of Competence and OSCE’s as an assessment method, you are advised to visit the NMC Test of Competence website which explains the process for candidates wanting to join the NMC register from overseas. Or those wanting to rejoin the register after a long period away from practice.

Organisations who have previously attended the workshop commented that this preparation is essential to engage with the learning activities on the day.

Contact us

For further information about the workshop, email

You may book a place via card payment on the Brookes Online shop.

To book a space on one of the workshops via invoice payment, contact

How to find us

Information and directions for finding the Swindon campus.

Delta 900

Welton Road

Tel: +44 (0)1865 48 8418
