
Sustainable travel is embedded into the heart and culture of Oxford Brookes University. We are committed to reducing the impact of our transport activity, and actively encourage staff, students and visitors to travel by a low emission alternative.

In 2022, we completed our student and staff travel survey.

In September 2021, the University formed a new Travel Advisory Group (TAG). The purpose of the group is to inform and influence the development and implementation of a fully integrated ‘Sustainable Travel Strategy’. This strategy will contribute to the Oxford Brookes University 2035 Vision and underpin and enable the potential for an ‘Oxford Campus Vision’ to be realised.

Subsequently, in 2022 we appointed transport consultants. They have supported us to better understand student and staff travel behaviour through conducting a travel survey. This will inform a new Car Parking Management Strategy and Sustainable Travel Plan and Strategy, expected to be adopted by the end of 2023.

Brookes bus

Our Travel Plan

Our Travel Strategy and Travel Plan set out our ambitions to reduce carbon emissions from staff and student travel. The key drivers of this plan are to:

  • maintain our reputation as a sustainable organisation
  • maintain legislative, regulatory, national, regional and local policy compliance
  • maximise the accessibility of staff, students and visitors to sustainable forms of travel
  • support our ambitions to become a net zero organisation by 2040
  • support student and staff recruitment and retention.

These documents will be updated following the results of the University wide student and staff travel survey. 

Brookes bus

The award-winning BROOKESbus

Since 2009, BROOKESbus has moved nearly 22 million passengers – saving an estimated 1.5 million car journeys each year from Oxford’s roads. This equates to a saving of 1.4 million kg of CO2 which would have been emitted.

In 2019, nearly 40% of all BROOKESbus journeys in 2019 were made by community members, thus providing sustainable transport options for the wider community. A total of 2.17 million passengers were transported.

In 2018, the University purchased six new micro-hybrid buses that reduced fuel consumption by 18% and CO2 emissions by 34% (compared to a baseline low-emission bus). This was partly a result of the innovative Gyro Drive System. This technology was the first in the country to be installed on a commercial bus service and was developed by an Oxford Brookes Alumnus, working with Williams Formula 1.

The BROOKESbus vehicles were the first Euro 6 buses in Oxford and in turn exceeded the minimum standard for operation in the Oxford Low Emission Zone. In March 2022, Oxford Council was successful in securing funding for Zero Emission Buses; providing 159 electric buses and we are proud to announce, we anticipate the BROOKESBus fleet to be fully electric by the end of 2023.  

Brookes buses

Sustainable travel incentives

We encourage a wide range of sustainable travel options which are promoted via travel discounts and incentives including:

  • Cycling offers, including a free Bike Doctor service, discounts in local bike shops, free bike marking and access to second hand discounted bicycles through the University Bike Dr.
  • University Campus Park and Ride scheme; providing free parking and bus travel for staff who forgo parking at Headington Campus
  • Free electric car charging for staff at the charge points located in our Headington Hill and Wheatley car parks.
  • Discounted bus tickets with a BROOKESkey bus card/app; offering new students free travel for the first few weeks. Currently, there is an administration fee for the production of a BROOKESkey.
  • Interest-free loans for bicycles and travel tickets (staff).
  • An on-site Car ClubZero Emission Bus Regional Areas.
  • Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas.
  • Totum (formerly the NUS Extra card), offering a variety of travel related discounts.
The Bike Dr