Partner and Child Add-Ons

No joining fees and no minimum contract length!

Take advantage of our discounted add-on memberships for your partner or child!

  • Both members must reside at the same address (adult partner members must provide proof of residency).
  • The primary member is responsible for paying for both memberships, which must be of the same type (Direct Debit or Annual) and either the same or a lower value.
  • Both members must be registered Brookes Sport members, this could be as existing members or registered Pay As You Go (PAYG) users.

To add a membership, the primary member can:


 Announcement - If you have any questions, please check out our FAQs page. If this does not help answer your question, please contact the relevant person from our contact list.

Membership FAQs

Policies and terms

By using Brookes Sport facilities, you agree to our terms and conditions and class cancellation policy