The People and Culture Strategy sets out our ambitions, but we recognise that we will only achieve them through concerted action. We have developed an high level operational plan to support the delivery of the strategy. Below you can find information about what we have done and what we are planning to do in the coming months.
Delivery plans and updates
See our separate Google site which contains updates and information on activity and progress before the current period.
Ambition 1
Review the People and Culture Strategy Operational plan and priorities in light of the Staff Survey results.
PD transformation
- Respond to PD Staff Survey results, including by providing development for line managers and considering provision to support careers and collaboration.
- Develop HR Advisors and other team members to support new recruitment process.
Anti-harassment and discrimination
- Review recommendations of the EDI learning needs assessment.
- Continue work to review the online harassment tool and web pages on harassment.
- Conduct investigatory work to inform a possible staff-student relationships policy.
Wellbeing/stress management
- Activities in support of Stress Awareness Week (4-8 November).
- Development of guidance for Workload planning and related management training (Workload).
- Launch a new ‘Wellbeing at Work Network’ to support our ambitions and utilise the various expertise across the University.
- Launch refreshed Wellbeing and Personal Resources area in Staff Learning to provide a more comprehensive range of resources.
Ambition 1
P&C Strategy Operational plan reviewed and updated.
PD transformation
- Surveyed PD managers to understand development requirements and signposted to relevant development options and People Professional pilot area drafted.
- Training and briefing sessions completed.
Anti-harassment and discrimination
- T&F Group established to oversee development of a staff-student relationships policy and completion of investigatory work to inform policy.
- Mapping of existing harassment reporting processes and recommended changes completed. Investigation of technical options for online reporting initiated.
- Plan for the development of the harassment advisor network developed.
Wellbeing/stress management
- Stress Awareness Week including update on Stress Risk Assessment Activities and signposting to new Stress Management training.
- Draft WLP Google site created. Identified need for further clarity around process so a series of interviews were conducted to inform guidance and training.
- Wellbeing at Work Network launched. Informed new Wellbeing Events Google Site to help highlight a range of activities being run across the University.
- Refreshed Wellbeing and Personal Resources Area launched with extensive range of new e-learning and Mental Health Awareness workshops.
Ambition 2
Culture shift and related capability development
- Develop Digital Wellbeing resources as a prelude to wider Digital Capability resources.
- Continued development of resources relating to Change Management including launch of new Change Toolkit Google Site and related training.
- Develop ‘Academic Advising Curriculum’ and Senior Faculty Academic Advisors CPD.
Leadership and management
- Pilot of the new ‘New to Management’ development offer.
- Development of offer aimed at ‘Middle Management’ audience.
- Launch funding specifically for Programme Leaders and Subject Coordinators to develop their leadership skills.
Performance Management
- Scope review of PDR approach.
Ambition 2
Culture shift and related capability development
- Digital Wellbeing resources in progress - to sit in Wellbeing and Personal Resources Area.
- Change Toolkit Google Site launched alongside two new e-learning courses; Project Management for non-project managers and Introduction to supporting people through change (see Staff Learning).
- Senior Faculty Academic Advisors CPD - regular meetings and CPD in place. Academic Advising Curriculum in development.
Leadership and management
- New to Management pilot started 10/12 alongside new online resources aimed at those new to management.
- Middle Management development offer in progress. This includes new Mental Health workshop for line managers launched in December.
- ‘Developing Educational and Academic Leadership’ (DEAL) fund launched September 2023.
Performance Management
- Initial scoping for PDR review started.
Ambition 3
Staff engagement
- Run October Talk to VCG sessions and develop and communicate a series of subject-specific webinars, including on emerging topics to ensure staff can influence the University’s direction.
- Communicate staff survey results through web-page, all-staff e-mail and October Talk to VCG sessions.
- Develop ideas to improve staff ‘voice’ including the possibility of a suggestions channel and more in-person meetings.
Reward and recognition
- To acknowledge feedback provided in the staff survey, we will be improving non-financial recognition including promoting available tools and development of new ways to recognise colleagues.
Ambition 3
Staff engagement
- Webinars ran as planned, Talk to VCG sessions postponed to January 2025.
- Staff Survey Results Google site created and shared.
- Schedule of webinars for 2025 in development.
Reward and recognition
- Recognition platform providers have been identified.
- Work started on a new suite of new tools and resources for managers.
Ambition 4
Workload planning
- Continue development of guidance on how to use our system and on the new process for monitoring workload for consideration at meeting of WLP Committee in early 2025.
Campus changes
- Continued support for development of plans for Harcourt Exit.
- Begin staff engagement sessions.
Strategic Transformation Programme
- Support to Wave 2 of the Strategic Transformation Programme.
Ambition 4
Workload planning
- Draft WLP Google site created. Identified need for further clarity around process so a series of interviews were conducted to inform guidance and training. New workload allocation monitoring process developed.
- Secured support for pro-rata workload allocation for part-time staff eligible to enroll on EXPLORE.
Campus changes
- Staff information sessions delivered by faculty management supported by PD.
- Equality impact assessment in progress and to be reviewed regularly.
Strategic Transformation Programme
- Local restructures in Directorates under way and being supported.
What else did we do
- Increase the number, profile and esteem of Fellows action plan agreed at TLEC October 2024 with associated actions in progress. (Ambition 3 Recognition).
- Wellness Action Plans Google Site introduced (Ambition 1 - Stress/Wellbeing).
What didn’t we do?
- Review of EDI Learning Needs Assessment outcomes deferred until next quarter (Ambition 1 - Anti-Harassment and Discrimination).
- Staff suggestions channel still under development (Ambition 3 - Staff Engagement).
Ambition 1
PD transformation
- Undertake further engagement activities with PD staff in response to the staff survey.
- Commence inclusive recruitment project scope.
Anti-harassment and discrimination
- Meet with existing harassment advisors to agree plans for future development of the network.
- Complete mapping exercises (web content and stakeholders).
- Agree a draft of the staff-student relationships policy for consultation.
- Test a revised anonymous reporting process.
Wellbeing/stress management
- Continue actions from Stress Risk Assessment around workload planning (including guidance and training).
- Progress work on the University Mental Health Charter including Mental Health resources/webpage & continue rollout of MH training for staff and LMs.
Ambition 2
Culture shift and related capability development
- Continue support to Digital Capability Working Group.
- Review project management and change training provision to support change toolkit.
- Finalise Equality impact assessment (EIA) guidance and integrate into change management toolkit.
Leadership and management
- Finalise Middle Management development offer to launch pilot in April.
- Develop pilot offer to build management capabilities to reduce and resolve conflict and foster interpersonal relationships built on mutual respect and collaboration.
- Develop pilot offer to build management capabilities relating to career and professional development (linked to PDR review).
- Identify requirements for Investigatory Skills training.
Performance management
- Commence review of PDR approach including relevant training and development.
Ambition 3
Staff engagement
- Follow up communications to demonstrate what has been done in response to staff survey results.
- Implement structured programme of webinars on strategic topics to keep staff informed and offer opportunities to feedback.
- Develop suggestions channel.
- Identify a recognition platform provider and progress this through the relevant legal processes.
- Finalise a new ‘recognition pack’ that better engages colleagues in recognition and our current provision, as well as provides new tools.
- Deliver the next enrollment window for UNUM dental cover.
Ambition 4
Workload planning
- Finalise WLP Google site and training, implement workload allocation monitoring process in advance of March meeting of WLP Committee.
Campus changes
- Continue to support staff engagement of Harcourt Hill move.
- Continue to support staff move into Headington Hill new buildings.
Strategic Transformation Programme
- Continue to support ongoing reorganisations.