We would like to invite members of the learning community to join the OCAED Coalition.
The coalition is an alliance between the Centre and those we serve: you, the learning community. The coalition will help ensure we are inclusive, collaborative and compassionate in all we do. Members will do this by offering insights on their academic development needs and preferences.
Time commitment: Members will be invited to a few gatherings a year (online or face to face as they prefer). Our first session will be online on 1 August 2023, 1.00pm - 3.00pm.
In addition, members may receive occasional requests for asynchronous feedback on new initiatives and activities.
All staff, at any stage in their career, in any role or discipline are welcome to join us. We would like the coalition to be representative of our community, colleagues from backgrounds historically excluded from HE are particularly welcome. It is a great opportunity to increase your knowledge and experience of academic development and help shape academic development at Brookes. Prior experience is not required.
To express your interest in becoming a member of the coalition, please send an email to ocaed@brookes.ac.uk telling us a little about yourself and outlining your interest/role in teaching and learning (250 words max) and let us know if you would like to come along to our session on the 1 August 2023.
Deadline for expressions of interest: 10 July 2023
If you would prefer to speak to one of our team first, please email ocaed@brookes.ac.uk