Brookes Briefings

Teaching, learning and assessment guidance to inspire transformational academic practice

Transformational academic practice is the inclusive, accessible and collaborative approach to teaching, research and knowledge exchange. It will help us realise Oxford Brookes' vision for a better and fairer world and our mission to inspire skilled, confident and successful graduates.

To support staff in offering transformational academic practice we offer here links to a number of resources and are building a portfolio of 'Brookes Briefings'. Brookes Briefings are scholarship-led and evidence based. Packed with practical wisdom they are available at your convenience. You can explore many of the topics covered here in our workshops or the International HE Reading Group.

All our resources are relevant to those involved in teaching and learning at any HEI, as such they are fully conversant with Oxford Brookes Academic Policies

Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA)

SEDA papers below are available on a Google Drive for Oxford Brookes staff only:

  • Academic development
  • Research supervision
  • Supporting students
  • Wellbeing
  • Student evaluation.