What do I need to know about privacy using Padlet?

For each Padlet you create it is important for GDPR that you select the 'Secret' setting. This should be the default setting but it is good to check. This will ensure only users with the link will be able to view and contribute to that Padlet.

Make sure that the ‘Privacy’ setting is set to ‘Secret’ (this is set by default). As it is important for GDPR. This will ensure only users you have shared the Padlet via a Moodle page will be able to view and contribute to that Padlet.

Embed your Padlet within a page (activity) on Moodle and when you want to use them with students during synchronous teaching only share the Moodle page link with them in the chat function or on a google doc.

Important note, even though you have selected ‘Secret’ it is still possible for other users to guess the link code, or if the link is shared outside Moodle. Remind students not to share personal details such as their full name, location, medical history and not to share the Padlet link with other students on email or social media.