Choosing modules for your course

Module registration is part of the process of managing your own programme of study, selecting the modules that you intend to study in a particular academic year/s. During Induction Week, you will meet your tutors and your Student Support Coordinators (SSCs) who will explain what module registration is.

In order to register your modules, you must complete your enrolment first. You will register your modules using your Student Information portal - this cannot be done through Moodle.

As part of module registration, you will need to register your choice of optional elective modules as applicable. This registration will be discussed during your course induction.

Undergraduate students

Undergraduate students must register their modules by 5:00pm on Friday 24 January.

You will be studying on a modular degree programme. Some of the modules for your subject(s) are compulsory and cannot be changed; some of your modules may be optional and can be changed. Please note that in your first year, you can only study Level 4 modules. You will study Levels 5 and 6 modules in your second and third years.

Once you are fully enrolled, you will be able to access your programme of study through your Student Information. You may need to register up to two optional modules for Semester 2.

Postgraduate students

Postgraduate students must register their modules by 5:00pm on Thursday 23 January.

Depending on the programme, some of the modules you are enrolled on are compulsory and have already been added for you and some may be optional. You will need to register your choice of optional modules as applicable. Your programme administrator will advise you which modules are required.

Exchange students

In order to have full-time student status, you need to study 4 single modules worth 7.5 ECTS credits per semester (or 30 ECTS in total per semester). You can additionally register for a language module without extra cost. You can find the modules you have chosen on your offer letter and in your Student Information. If you need to review your modules, please contact your Academic Adviser. 

Academic English and free language modules

If you would like to add an academic language module to your programme, please contact the Centre for Academic Development (CAD) for more information. They can be emailed at

The deadline for additional language modules is 4:00pm on Friday 24 January. Any other changes (set changes or deletion) will need to be done by 4.00pm Friday 7 February.

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