Your course induction

Induction Week: Monday 20 January to Friday 24 January 2025

During Induction Week, most courses will have their own programme of events that you must attend. This is your opportunity to get to know other students on your course and meet your teaching staff.

Here you will find the induction schedules for all January courses. To find yours, use the search box or refer to the A-Z list of all courses. All course induction schedules will be available to view from Monday 6 January 2025.

If you will be doing any of the following, please refer further down this page for more information on how induction will work for you.

Courses with early inductions

Some courses start their inductions earlier than the main Induction Week. Please make sure you check the dates of your induction carefully to ensure you don't miss anything.

Induction information for students on alternative modes of study

Part-time study

Part-time degree students are welcome to join the appropriate induction for their course/module. Please note it is not compulsory for you to attend these induction events as we appreciate some part-time students have other working commitments. Some part-time students studying in Health Care will have an induction as part of their first teaching session and your course will be in contact with you about this.

Associate study

An associate student is a student who is studying one or two modules but is not registered for a university award (certificate, diploma or degree). Associate students are welcome to join their course's induction activities.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

For CPD Associate students (who are taking stand-alone modules, i.e. not part of an award-bearing course, such as an MSc, or PGC) there are no specific events in Induction Week. The introduction to the course/module will take place during your first teaching session. However, you are very welcome to join the events open to all students.

Distance learning

If you are studying on an online/distance learning course, you should complete online enrolment but you are not expected to come to Oxford Brookes, unless your course contacts you. Your course will be in contact with all the details you need for your study programme.

Global Banking School (GBS)

If you are joining a course provided by the Global Banking School you will be contacted directed by GBS in regards to your induction and teaching. If you are looking for further information about your course, please contact

Research degree students and professional doctorate students

Find out about enrolment and fees for research degree students you.

The Research Degrees Team are available to assist with your queries.

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Events for all students

There are lots of additional, optional events happening over Induction Week and the beginning of the semester. Everyone is welcome to join and take part in any of these sessions. Take a look at the events calendar to see what interests you.

Course search

Find your course induction

0 results found

Acute Care of the Older Person with Frailty (PG Cert)
Advanced Clinical Practice (MSc)
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship
Advanced Computer Science (MSc)
Anthropology (GradDip)
Architect Degree Apprenticeship
Building Information Modelling and Management (MSc)
Business and Management (BA)
Business Management (BA - Final Year Entry)
Business and Marketing Management (BA)
Business and Marketing Management (BA - Final Year Entry)
Business, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (BA)
Cardiorespiratory Practice (PGCert)
Chartered Town Planner Degree Apprenticeship
Construction Project Management (MSc)
Digital Marketing (MSc)
Digital Marketing (BA)
Digital Craft in Architecture (MA)
Economics (BSc)
Economics, Finance and International Business (BSc)
Economics, Politics and International Relations (BA)
Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (MSc)
Exchange and study abroad students
Finance (MSc)
Global Business and Human Rights Law (LLM)
Global Events Management (MSc)
Humanitarian Action and Peacebuilding (MA - Distance Learning)
Human Rights Law (LLM)
Infrastructure Planning and Sustainable Development (MSc)
International Business (BA - Final Year Entry)
International Business Management (BA)
International Business Management (MSc)
International Commercial Law and Trade (LLM)
International Foundation, Arts Humanities and Law (Pathways)
International Foundation, Business and Technology (Pathways)
International Foundation Diploma (Pathways)
International Hospitality, Events and Tourism Management (MSc)
International Hotel and Tourism Management (MSc)
International Law (LLM)
International Luxury Marketing (MSc)
Law (LLM - all pathways)
Management and Business Analytics (MSc)
Management in Health and Social Care (MPH/PGC/PGD)
Global Marketing (MSc)
Marketing and Brand Management (MSc)
Marketing Management (BA)
Minor Injury and Illness Management (PG Cert)
Nursing Associate Apprenticeship (Oxford)
Certificate: Pre-Master's in Study Skills (Pathways)
Certificate: Pre-Master's in English Language and Study Skills (Pathways)
Diploma: Pre-Master's in English Language and Study Skills (Pathways)
Project Management in the Built Environment (MSc)
Public Health (MPH/PGC/PGD)
Publishing (MA - Distance Learning)
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management (MSc)
Racing Engine Systems (MSc)
Real Estate (MSc)
Real Estate Investment Finance (MSc/PGD)
Senior Leader Apprenticeship
Spatial Planning (MSc)
Strategic Professional Accounting & Finance (MSc)
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting) (PGDip)
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nursing) (PGDip)
Sustainable Architecture: Evaluation & Design (MSc)
Two Year Diploma Pre-Master's in English Language and Study Skills (Pathways)

Course list A-Z

Can't find your course? Here is a list of all our January courses - click on a link to see your induction schedule.