Your student checklist

Everything you need to do before you start your course.

Make sure you complete the main tasks highlighted here. You'll find the full checklist below. You can contact the Student Induction Team if you have questions about anything on this list.

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  • on a computer use Ctrl/Command+click, or right click
  • on a smart phone press and hold the link for the option to do this.

The Quick Start Guide

You'll be introduced to a lot of new terminology as part of starting university. Take a look at the Quick Start Guide for a comprehensive introduction to the core people, ideas and concepts of university life.

View the Quick Start Guide

1. Before you arrive

You can complete these tasks before you enrol. Find out more:

  • Applying for your visa
  • Arranging your accommodation
  • Finance and payments
  • Support for students with disabilities

2. Planning ahead

This section introduces you to some useful platforms, services and guides.

3. Online enrolment

You must enrol online to become an Oxford Brookes University student. Online enrolment opens on Tuesday 7 January.

When online enrolment opens we will send you two emails, one with your User ID (student number) and one with a link to create your Oxford Brookes password. You will need both to enrol. Ahead of this please make sure your personal email is up to date on UCAS track or with the University ( 

If you are not a UK national, you will also be asked to complete Right to Study checks.

4. After you've enrolled

Access all the online services available to Oxford Brookes students, including your student email account, our online learning platforms and your timetable. You must enrol as a student at Oxford Brookes before you can access these. Email and calendars can be accessed from Monday 13 January onwards.

5. Once you've arrived

It's time to begin your first week as a student!

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