Available below is a list of the forms needed by undergraduate students (UMP/AFR) to make changes to their programme. Each section contains an explanation of the form and the deadline for submitting the form to Student Central.
Request to add or delete modules
The primary method for adding and deleting modules is the Module Registration facility on your Student Information.
- If you need to add and/or delete modules for next academic year during the appropriate module registration window and have not yet attempted this on Student Information, please do this now.
- If you need to add and/or delete modules to your programme for the current academic year, please contact your Academic Adviser or Student Support Co-ordinator. They will consider your request.
Deletion or addition of Academic English and/or language modules
If you realise that you need extra writing or language support you can add an Academic English module to your programme outside of the normal module registration window. You can add a module for the following semester at any time and you can add or delete a module for the current semester up until the deadline for the first assignment.
If you are an undergraduate student and you would like to add or delete an Academic English module, please contact either the module leader or email academicdev@brookes.ac.uk.
Students wishing to enrol on or delete a additional language module should refer to the instructions on the additional languages pages.
M37: Full-time and part-time change
You can use the M37 Form to change your mode of study from full time to part time or vice versa. For more information, see Modes of study.
If you are requesting to change your mode of study with immediate effect for the current semester:
- part time to full time requests must be submitted by week 2, any requests received between week 2 and week 4 will require faculty approval
- full time to part time requests must be submitted by week 3, any requests received between week 3 and week 4 will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Student visa holders should always be full time where it's possible and cannot choose to move from full time to part time. It is only possible for them to be part time where a full time programme is not possible due to module runs/progression rules.
Undergraduate students that are part time cannot change their mode to full time in the first year of study.
If you receive funding from the Student Loans Company, a change to your mode of study can affect the tuition fees you pay or the amount of loans funding you receive. If you are part time you may not be eligible for an Oxford Brookes bursary. Please contact slcfunding@brookes.ac.uk for further information.
M38: Change of mode of study
You can use the M38 Form to change your mode of study from full time to sandwich or vice versa. For more information, see Modes of study.
If you receive funding from the Student Loans Company, a change to your mode of study can affect the tuition fees you pay or the amount of loans funding you receive. If you are part time you may not be eligible for an Oxford Brookes bursary. Please contact slcfunding@brookes.ac.uk for further information.
M201: Future Approved Temporary Withdrawal Request
You can use the M201 Form prior to the end of Week 7 to request time out from your course. For more information, please refer to time out from your course.
If you are an international student, please read the "International students" section of the form carefully so that you fully understand the implications of completing this form.
If you are a new student enrolled in your first semester of study you will need to request to defer your place until the next available admission point, by completing the M200 Permanent Voluntary Withdrawal below.
M201L: Late Approved Temporary Withdrawal Request
You should use this form when making a late request for Temporary Withdrawal after Week 7 of the semester for which you are making the request. For more information regarding taking time out, please refer to time out from your course.
Please note the deadline for late temporary withdrawal requests is Wednesday of Week 13 of the semester in which you are requesting temporary withdrawal from. It is not possible to request temporary withdrawal for a previous semester.
M200: Permanent Voluntary Withdrawal
You can use the M200 Form to permanently withdraw from your course. For more information about permanently withdrawing from your programme, please see the information on leaving the University.
If you are fully enrolled and in your first semester of study, you can use the M200 Form to defer your studies to the next available entry point. If this request is submitted after week 4 of the first semester you will be liable for tuition fees. When using this form to request deferral please select the leaving reason 'Deferred entry to a later date'.
It is advised that you consult your Student Support Coordinator or Academic Adviser regarding this change, prior to submitting the form.
Change your exam date
If you are unable to attend an exam at scheduled date/time, you can apply for a 'changed assessment arrangement' by Week 10 of the given semester for one of the following reasons:
- religious observance
- military service
- international/University representation in a sports event
- similar activities undertaken by a dependent of the student for which there is a demonstrable support requirement on the student.
Visit the Exams pages to find out more about how to apply.
Confirmation of Acceptance to Study (CAS) Request Form
You will need a Confirmation of Acceptance to Study (or CAS) to apply for a Student visa (previously Tier 4). For full details on how to request a CAS, visit the International Student Advice Team (ISAT) webpages.
M39 Form
You can use the M39 Form if you are one of the below:
- A BED/BA/BSc/LLB/BEng student not wishing to take honours.
- A BA/BSc Honours Stage II student taking neutral subjects or one arts and one science subject.
- Intending to leave your course after completing a Diploma in Higher Education, Certificate in Higher Education or Foundation Diploma programme.
M101: Request a subject change
You can use the M101 Form to request a subject change. For more information, please refer to subject changes under 'Programme Advice and Support'.
Timetabling Request Form
You can use the Timetabling Request Form to request a change in your timetable.