Remuneration of senior staff (Vice-Chancellor and Registrar)

The salary of the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar is set by the remuneration function of the People Committee (formerly the Remuneration Committee) and notified to the Board of Governors.

The salary is set according to the terms of reference of the People Committee as follows:

  1. Proportionate pay and the general level of pay rises in the university sector.
  2. Comparability with staff in other universities based on comparative information (such as CUC and UCEA).
  3. The performance in post of the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar as reported by the Chair of Governors based on a performance review against the year’s objectives, and the report of the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar on the performance of other posts.
  4. The need to recruit and retain well qualified staff.
  5. The University’s charitable purposes.
  6. If considering severance arrangements for senior staff, the committee must represent the public interest and avoid any inappropriate use of funds.
  7. To report to the Board of Governors the written decision of the committee concerning senior staff pay and provide sufficient detail of the broad criteria, policies and performance against which decisions have been made.
  8. To report to the Board of Governors the recommendations of the VCG Remuneration Committee on the pay of PVCs, PVC/Deans and Directors, together with the criteria used in making these decisions noting that committee members may wish to comment.

This and other aspects of the University’s finance is published annually in the Financial Statements.

The Annual Remuneration Report is published in accordance with CUC guidance and can be viewed under the University's policies.